Gunbot News What we been up to at Gunbot Development

Gunbot News – What happened last month at Gunbot

ei Yo! here we are again; another month at Gunbot development has been a crazy month. Due to some changes in the APIS and some volatility in the markets, some exchanges were totally overloaded, and we needed to circumvent that with hotfixes.

We have released a patch for Stable build for v21; you can download the latest stable now from here then after that, if you use Binance futures recommendation right now is upgrade to the latest build in the announcement channel, as the Binance dev team changed some API ends, and your trading could be affected.

Main core dev keep working and finetuning Gunbot High-Frequency Trading as it’s a really complex task to port Gunbot to WebSockets 2.0 due to the implications of having a major speed, it can post 100’s of orders in a second, so we need to push the brake a bit, or your wallet will be dried in a matter of seconds.

take a small peek into Gunbot HFT



Market Maker News


  • – Our leader is working on a new mm variant soon(TM).
  • – Small tweak to Market orders for Market_Maker.
  • – Patched Roe infinity% edge case for Market_Maker variant 1 Scalper.
  • – Patched BinanceFutures API when “volatility times” in backend servers of BinanceFutures happens and start not returning trade history at the proper time. Make sure you upgrade to the latest Gunbot build in the announcement channel if you’re using BinanceFutures, or at least you run above that build Gunbot v21.3.0 Release Candidate.


Gunbot News


  • New Nash League Strategy v2, this strategy is a pure volume strategy, so don´t expect huge profits from it; it just generates a ton of volume. In this new version, it closes the spread, so at that post limit orders have 0 fees, you don’t incur any loss at all. If you use market orders, slippage could occur, so consider when enabling market orders that you could incur losses.


  • – New SpotGrid Strategy, you can run now spotGrid without need to use autoconfig, straight forward configuration in the latest version has the autoGain feature, and you can turn on/off watch_mode, buy enabled, and sell enabled; at least you need to build Gunbot v21.2.0, grab latest R.C in our announcement channel. It has been a blast in our Elite channel, with many users already enjoying the simplicity of spotGrid.

  • – Added ability to pay fees with Beaxy Token, add this line in your exchange section: “pay_with_utility_token”: true,

  • – Patched v2 Kucoin API, make sure you run at least build v21.3.4 from our announcement channel.
  • – Patched Beaxy API, make sure you run at least build v21.3.4.


bitRage News

  • – Stay tuned to our announcement channel.


That’s all folks, c-u next month and happy gunbottin.’


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