10 Gunthy Telegram Groups Explained

10 Gunthy Telegram Groups Explained

Telegram is the Fastest Source of Information for Gunbot Owners, by using our Telegram Channels you can have access to information and reply to your Questions almost instantly, we are very proud and appreciate our great community for always helping each other in our channels.

Gunbot users offer help voluntarily, be mindful of that, and be aware that your first line of support is your Reseller, he or she is responsible to provide you with the basic help and support you need to run the bot, your reseller is also responsible to add you to the specific Official Gunthy Groups if you request it from them.

Our community is always growing and so are our telegram groups, for us been organized is important because we can give the right support and address our members needs more efficiently, due to the nature of Telegram, find written information can be hard, sometimes even using the search feature could be a pain if we don’t have the right keywords, hence Gunthy LTD sees more viable to segment these groups into smaller, specific and more manageable ones.

Allow me to introduce to you:

10 Gunthy Telegram Groups Explained

gunthy-announcements1-Gunthy Announcements: This is your direct line to see the actual development of the bot, there is no interaction on your part, you just read and or download a specific build.

In this group you can find the latest beta releases and information with changelogs included, you can use this channel to be aware of the newest releases and you could download any of it if you see it fix a known problem as long as you understand and agree to use it at your own risk, these are beta versions mainly for test and troubleshoot.

gunthy-elite2-Gunthy Elite: This is the main Gunbot group where Stable releases are announced and pinned in the channel ready for safe use, these are the versions that most Gunbot users should run since they are been tested by many beta-tested before and are considered the stable and official version.

Gunthar usually writes a highlight of the main features added and other important information, is recommended that you check the pinned message so you get a better understanding of the version you’re about to use.

We Talk about the Gunbot Permanent Tournament in Elite Now!

gunthy-vip3-Gunthy VIP: AKA Gunbot Beta room, in this channel beta testers, report any bugs related to the latest beta-release been checked, you can be part of this channel if you have the intention, the knowledge and accept the risks of testing new Gunbot releases.

You must notice this group test “GUNBOT” Only. The access to this group can be granted by your Reseller.


bitRage-official4-bitRage Official: This is the channel for new bitRage users and even with bitRage still in beta this channel receives the most stable versions and Gunthar’s Step by Step instructions on how to run bitRage.

Pinned you can find the latest info and there are instructions written in PDF format, you can ask for a copy of “bitRage School” once you are added to the group in case somebody forgot to greet you with this info.

To be added to this group you need to be a verified bitRage owner, again your Reseller is the person responsible to do that at your request.

gunbot-special5-Gunbot Special: Even though this group is named “Gunbot Special” this is the main bitRage beta testing channel, users report the latest bugs in here.

Here we test “BITRAGE” Only, you must be Top 20 or better on the Gunthy Rank list, accept the risk of beta testing, and ask your Reseller to be added.

There is also a bitRage PDF document you can read to get acquainted with the bot.


gunthy-market-makers6-Gunthy Market Makers Program: This bot is the pinnacle of automated trading but so is it’s understanding and learning curve, you can not find information anywhere else about this bot, hence it is asked of you to keep any info inside this room.

This bot is stable and it does what it is supposed to do, but much more is added as Featured Request by our members to fine-tune it even more. To be a part of this channel you have to be Top 10 or better int the Gunthy Ranks list and again this can be verified by your Reseller, then you can be added.

You are greeted with a disclaimer and given a PDF with the basic info for you to run the bot successfully. In this room, we discuss “MARKET MAKER” Only.

gunthy-autoconfig7-Gunthy Autoconfig: Automation to the Next level, our telegram channel dedicated to autoconfig here you can talk, bug finding (if any), and asking for a nice new feature.

You can find all the needed info about autoconfig in the Wiki and it is recommended that you give it a nice read.

All you need to be in this group is been a Gunbot owner and ask your reseller to give you an invite.

Needless to say, we talk about “AUTOCONFIG” Only here.


gunthy-marketplace8-Gunthy Marketplace: The Telegram group of GunthyMarketplace, to sign up at the marketplace you need to provide your gunthy wallet, and since you’re verified you then can be a part of this group, you can use it to ask specific questions about the configs shared for free or sold in the marketplace and you can also request a specific config to be custom made for you either Free or paid in Gunthy.

Please keep the conversation “GUNTHYMARKETPLACE” Only.


gunbot-tactical-group9-Gunbot Tactical Group: “This Group has been moved to Gunthy Elite” The requirement to be part of this channel is your participation on any of the Gunbot Permanent Tournaments, here you can share or fine-tune your strategy tailored for the particular tournament running at the time.

The access to this Group is granted by Gunthar. Your Testimonial about the competition is greatly appreciated and don’t forget to keep it “GUNBOT TOURNAMENT” Only. (CLOSED NOW)


the-bot-father10-TheBotFather: Is the oldest Gunbot channel, is almost faced out already but if you’re still a member you can search for some golden nuggets in there.




I hope you can benefit from our Gunthy Telegram Groups and use this information to clear any doubts you may have.


As complementary info to the “10 Gunthy Telegram Groups Explained” I would like to provide you this piece of advice from Exquitas

General advice:

We as Admins do Never PM you First. Please click on our names (and verify our usernames!) and click “Send Message” to send us a message.

You should be skeptical about any “admin” sending you a bit.ly link or advises you to a chat that is not on Telegram (for example, ANY “talk . to” chatroom) for “Support”.

Also, you should be skeptical about anyone asking you to send x Amount of BTC to any address to get your license unlocked.

Our official Admins in the Gunthy Elite Group are:

@GuntharDeNiro @NarKotix @exquitas @boekenbox @GunbotKitty @Leeview @Cryptowally @CrazyMop @mrpapaya34 @anon059 @AitorRuiz @Trashdog01

In case of doubts, PM any of the above and ask for verification if you find yourself in a doubtful chat with someone else (for example a potential impersonator)
Also, always verify that you’re talking to someone of the above unless the person you’re talking to is your reseller, which you can always verify here: Gunbot Official Resellers List

Don’t get scammed, ask us in case of doubt!

And last but not least, please share this information, make sure every member reads and understand what are and how to use our 10 Gunthy Telegram Groups.

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