– Gunthy official News

Gunbot News What we been up to at Gunbot Development

Gunbot News – What happened last month at Gunbot

ei Yo! here we are again; another month at Gunbot development has been a crazy month. Due to some changes in the APIS and some volatility in the markets, some exchanges were totally overloaded, and we needed to circumvent that with hotfixes.

We have released a patch for Stable build for v21; you can download the latest stable now from here then after that, if you use Binance futures recommendation right now is upgrade to the latest build in the announcement channel, as the Binance dev team changed some API ends, and your trading could be affected.

Main core dev keep working and finetuning Gunbot High-Frequency Trading as it’s a really complex task to port Gunbot to WebSockets 2.0 due to the implications of having a major speed, it can post 100’s of orders in a second, so we need to push the brake a bit, or your wallet will be dried in a matter of seconds.

take a small peek into Gunbot HFT



Market Maker News



Gunbot News




bitRage News


That’s all folks, c-u next month and happy gunbottin.’


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