Gunthy Announcing Gunbot Bitget Partnership
Gunbot BitGet Partnership
Come Along Trade with Gunbot at Bitget Exchange and Take Advantage of this New Strategic Partnership.
Benefit from an Extra Bonus Exchange Added to Your Gunbot License for FREE!
This article was first released at Gunthy.org
Gunthy, the entity behind our Automated Trading Solutions has formed a strategic partnership with bitget crypto exchange
Adding Value to our Existing Products is Gunthy LTD’s biggest goal and as part of our ever-growing enterprise, we’ve formed an alliance with bitget, from now on every Gunbot License is granted the ability to trade in BitGet with our awesome Market Maker bot, so if you want to test Market Maker you can do it in BitGet.
As a Gunbot user, you are encouraged to register through our partnership link because their API is not open to everyone to avoid some bad requests, but for users registered through our link, when you create your API key it will be on the whitelist directly and activated automatically.
If you register as an individual user, you will have to ask their customer service to activate your account individually.
Sign Up for Gunbot BitGet Partnership Now
Here are some highlights About Bitget Crypto Exchange
Bitget is a global cryptocurrency trading platform with its headquarters in Singapore and focused on derivatives trading. Products included are contract trading, spot trading, and global OTC.
Bitget also has offices in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Canada, and more…
At the time of this writing, Bitget has over 900,000 registered users globally, and its contract trading volume ranks the top five in the world.
Bitget completed a $10 million US Dollars Series B financing led by South Korea’s top game company SNK and co-invested by Anlan Capital in July 2020.
The current valuation of Bitget is $1 billion US Dollars. The Bitget team members are top international experts with backgrounds in cryptography, financial investment, social media, and video games.
Products Offered by the Bitget Platform
Spot Trading, OTC to Buy, perpetual contracts, and Trade Simulator
Bitget is registered with the U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) as a money services business ahead of plans for a full-scale launch in the country.
We are going to implement Bitget in Gunbot they are enthusiastic about our activity and our token and they are going to support us in many ways.
BitGet is funding 5k dollars for one our monthly tournaments and they are also giving us rebates that would also contribute to our monthly jackpot
In order for your BitGet account to be eligible for this partnership you need to:
1- Signup using our partner code following either of these links:
Gunbot Bitget Partnership Link bitget.com
If you’re in the USA and the .com link gives you a 403 error please use the .cc link
Gunbot Bitget Partnership Link bitget.cc
2- use Gunbot to trade swap markets
Features implemented exclusively for the Gunbot Bitget Partnership.
All swap features from BitGet are implemented in Gunbot, and Market Maker.
BitGet allows both LONG and SHORT position open so you have to set HEDGE_MODE in your config parameter (allowed methods are BOTH, LONG, SHORT)
You can do it using the GUI as you can see in the picture below
BitGet allows market type, you can select it in the exchanges section, this partnership is specifically made to support their swap market, check details in the GUI image.
BitGet requires a passphrase, you can get it when you create your API Key and you can set it in the GUI the same place you enter your API/secret
For config wiz you can add the following to your strategy override:
And you can add “swap” on the “type in the exchange section like the example below:
If you’re reading this but haven’t got your Gunbot License yet, Visit the Official Gunbot Reseller page and onboard and benefit from the Gunbot Bitget Partnership Today!
We do our best to present you with up to date information but we encourage you to Do your Own Research always, Trade at Your Own Risk, and never invest what you can not afford to lose.