June 2021 Gunbot Crypto Tournament Interview Spot Winners
June 2021 Gunbot Crypto Tournament Interview to the
Spot Winners
We interviewed the champions of the spot tournament. Let’s see what they can enlighten us to become far superior traders with their wisdom.
Why did you choose Gunbot as your bot for trading crypto?
MrMantis: It wasn’t a subscription service, was actively being developed, and the configurability of different strategies.
KILJEH: Because of security, support, and the community around it.
BROXYNET: The main three would be. Lifetime license, Customized automation, and the great community.
What’s the best feature for you of Gunbot bot?.
MrMantis: Trailing, the ability to trail prices improves margins so much more than hitting static prices or indicator levels.
KILJEH: The constant support of devs and their vision for upcoming builds.
BROXYNET: Autoconfig
What strategy did you use?
MrMantis: I used the spotGrid Advance strategy with some modifications. I set TL Multiplier to 2, double grid multiplier if the trend is not bullish, and increased my grid multiplier to anywhere between 1.5 and 2 for different pairs.
KILJEH: SGA by the one and only Pim.
BROXYNET: I use the broxynet strategy, I created it, and is available for free in the gunthy marketplace.
What wallet size you started in the tournament ?.
MrMantis: My wallet balance was about 25k USDT.
KILJEH: 12,000 USD
BROXYNET: 2,500 to 3,000 USD
What’s the feature you would like to be added to Gunbot?
MrMantis: I really like the ability to change certain parameters based on the longer-term trend. I would like the strategies to either be more flexible or switch entirely base on the longer-term trend and/or take into account macro indicators which would better identify the state of the market and allow strategies to change automatically.
KILJEH: Fully working HFT.
BROXYNET: Handling coin dust, automating this would be a very powerful feature.
What’s the most urgent need that needs to be Fixed or revamped?
MrMantis: The backtesting needs a tutorial for the sga strategy.
KILJEH: Bitrage and GUI for gunthy exchange.
BROXYNET: No looking back, but PNL could always use a tweek or two…
Are you using any special add-on?
MrMantis: I have cryptosight and backtesting.
KILJEH: ARS, Q, and spotgrid Advance Controller.
What makes you decide to use an add-on for your Gunbot?
MrMantis: I want more o fan insight as to whether my strategies are working and I want to see what I could do to improve them,
KILJEH: To feel safer and less overwhelmed.
BROXYNET: Not sure, I imagine one would use them to help in setup and tuning decisions though.
Thanks for the interview folks, you rock!.
Remember to check out the Latest Gunbot stable release and Get your Bot now if you haven’t already!