LAST 2 DAYS left to grab easy money from Gunbot Team OKEx Elite Trading Contest
Last to 2 days left to grab easy money from Gunbot Team OKEx Elite Trading Contest
Connect with Gunbot OKEx Team and trade to Win Top Prizes. OKEx has once again announced Another Special Contest.
Connect with Gunbot OKEx Team and trade Futures, Perpetual Swap and Options to Win Top Prizes.
OKEx has once again announced another special event called the OKEx Elite Team Trading Contest and Gunbot Team is there so You can profit from it.
Combine Forces with Gunbot The Crypto Trading bot Team
The process is simple, Gunbot, as an outstanding trader has become a Team leader all you have to do, is Join the Gunbot Team using the above link. OKEx will rank us by the team and individual yield, and there’s another bonus of 35 USDT when you fulfill small contest tasks as an addition to the ranking rewards.
OKEx Rewards are as Follow:
- Individual Champion reward 30,000 USDT
- Team Champion Prize Share 30,000 USDT
- Complete the tasks reward 35 USDT
OKEx will choose the winning teams and participants by their trading yield like the example below:
1-Individual Member’s Yield
(account balance — initial account equity — funds transferred to perpetual swap, futures and options accounts + funds withdrawn from those accounts) / (initial account equity + funds transferred to those accounts)
2-Team Yield
(total account balance of all team members — total initial account equity of all members — total funds transferred to perpetual swap, futures and options accounts of all members + total funds withdrawn from those accounts) / total initial account equity of all members + total funds transferred to those accounts)
Gunbot Team OKEx
Join Gunbot Team and Get USDT by completing Tasks Earn up to 35 USDT
1.Simple tasks:
During the campaign, participants can get 5 USDT rewards if they complete 3 trades in any one of the three derivative products, including futures, swaps, and options (note: 3 trades on the same product) and also share the campaign poster on Facebook or Twitter. Get USDT by completing Tasks
2. Advanced tasks:
Task A:
During the campaign, the participants have no less than 7 futures/ perpetual (any of them) trades and post the screenshot of revenue rate or holdings on Twitter or Facebook profiles can be rewarded with 10 USDT.
Task B:
During the campaign, the participants have no less than 7 option trades and answer 2 quizzes with the right answers after learning 2 chapters of options tutorial can be rewarded with 10 USDT.
As a Gunbot user You’re also eligible for OKEx Fees Rebates with the following rules:
1) 30% Basic Rebates. If more than 100 new users join each month, rebates could increase to 40%. Rebates will be distributed to eligible users.
2) The rebates are only generated by new users (it refers to users who sign up OKEx since we officially went into cooperation, Feb in 2020.)
3) The rebate sharing could start next Monday (March 30), and it will be sent to your address once a month.
For More details about OKEx Competition Please Go to Okex Official Rules Announcement
Your reward will be distributed to your account on OKEx within 4 working days after the results announcement. You can directly withdraw it from your account.
Combine Forces with Gunbot The Crypto Trading bot Team
Hurry Grab Your Copy of “GUNBOT” Now so you too can profit with this Awesome Crypto Trading bot!