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Read NOW! 6 Ways to Spot a “Gunbot Scammer” – Don’t Get Scammed!

Are You Talking To a Gunbot Scammer?


So, you don’t like your money?

So, you don’t care who you trust?

So, you like feeding scammers instead of your kids?

Or, you enjoy getting kicked out because you gave away your rent money?


Then look no further!! Send your BTC and ETH to me and I will do nothing in return but spend your hard earned cash on hookers and booze.

Sounds like a scam? Of course it is!!!!


If you want to steer clear of scammers but are unsure of what do look for, here are 6 helpful tips to get you asking the question, “Who am I talking too?!?!”


1: Admins Have No Telegram “UserName”

One way to spot a potential scammer is by looking for a User Profile that has their Telegram “UserName” hidden. Usually it is hidden because it isn’t the real thing. This one is really easy to miss because it isn’t there to be found. BEWARE!!!

2: Admin’s have a Misspelled “UserName”

“Hey, we have finally found a profile with a username! This person must be legit!”


There are all sorts of spelling tricks used to deceive your eyes. Check the username VERY CAREFULLY to ensure your not being fooled.




3: Hidden “UserName” plus a fake “UserName” in the BIO

“Hurray!!! We can see the username AND it is spelt correctly!!!”

Think twice my friend. You are about to get scammed AGAIN. Here is another nifty trick where the Telegram “Username” is being advertised in the “Bio” section of the profile instead and the true username is being hidden.



4: No Groups in Common

Here is another way you can tell that you are about to give your money away to a scammer. Check how many groups you have in common!

There are 10 major Telegram Groups active for Gunbot. Admins are active across all these groups. So always check to make sure that the Admin your speaking to is in all the same groups you are in.




5: Receiving PM’s from Admins Requesting Money or Promoting Scams

Repeat after me:

“NEVER will an Admin PM requesting money to Unlock a License”
“NEVER will an Admin PM requesting money to resolve an issue”
“NEVER will an Admin PM requesting Pay-For-Profit Scams”
“NEVER will an Admin PM requesting API Secret Keys”

Also be skeptical about any “admin” sending you a link or advice to lure you into a chat that is not on Telegram (for example, ANY “tawk . to” chatroom) for “Support”.

If you receive a PM out of nowhere, be VERY skeptical. If you are unsure, ASK in any of the GUNTHY / GUNBOT community groups for verification!





6: Being sold a bot license or upgrade package from Non-Authorized Reseller

Last but not least. If you or a friend of yours is looking to purchase a bot or a bot upgrade, please ensure that you are purchasing from an Authorized Reseller. You can find a list of them at



I’ve been approached by a Scammer. What should I do?

Never fear, help is not far away. The MOST important thing is NEVER EVER hand over any money or API Secret Keys. Other things you can do:

Our main Official Admins in the Gunthy Elite Group are:



Don’t Let Yourself be the next Victim!!

So here you have it. 6 major Ways to spot a Gunbot Scammer.

Stay Vigilant, Stay Safe. Trade only with what you can afford to lose. Happy Gunbottin!

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