5Th Crypto Gunbot Tournament Winners Interview Chapter 2

5Th Crypto Gunbot Tournament – Gunbot Permanent Tournament Winners Interview 2nd-Chapter


Hi all folks,

We did interview some of the champions of the latest Gunbot tournament and among them, one of our devs classified to find out what’s in the mind of Mr. Pim our GUI Dev and genius behind the autoconfig module, let’s find out how they did win.


Why did you choose Gunbot as your bot for trading crypto?


  • Phijey: Best bot I found 4 years ago. Had the Trading Ideas I was using for trading manually. Also…. Completely free from subscriptions. Now is a totally different improved beast. And I Like it…
  • Majestic:  It’s the most configurable and has the strongest community I’ve seen in the trading Bot-scene.
  • Pim: It was the only one I could reasonably understand when I was a very new trader back in 2017. I liked how active the community was and that it’s not a subscription and/or cloud service.
  • Neointhesky: Running Gunbot for 2 years now and it’s the best bot software I know. Unlimited possibilities for tweaking the strategies and with AC you can event extend the strategies in multiple ways. Not to mention the great community and the good support.


What’s the best feature for you of Gunbot?


  • MajesticAutoconfig, making advanced MM strats possible like Q, LV, Bungieee, and ARS!.
  • Phijey: Market Maker.
  • Pim: That no setting needs to be static. I like to think of AutoConfig as my personal army of monkeys that changes my settings dynamically, while I sleep and so I can sleep well.
  • Neointhesky: Definitely Market Maker and AC.


What strategy did you use and wallet balance in the tournament?


  • MajesticQ-strat, +20k USD.
  • Phijey: I had a wallet balance of 8k and had two instances running, One Market Maker Grid with Roe Trailing using Q strategy, on just one Pair… this pair vas very volatile and had big ups and downs.
  • Pim: A highly customized version of Grid, for which I recently shared the autoconfig code in the AutoConfig group.
  • Neointhesky: I ran 3 Instances (10k, 8k, 5k) with MM and Q Strat AC with different settings. Starting way too risky and got margin ratios which led to sleepless nights. Learned a lot during the last month. Scaled-down the risk and survived the tournament. Afterward, one of the instances got rekt. But hey still experimenting and learning a lot from the great community.


What’s the feature you would like to be added to Gunbot?


  • MajesticInternal wallet mgt., High-Frequency Trading, and advance alerts which all are coming!.
  • Phijey: None, devs keep adding really nice features and toys to play with things beyond the imaginable.
  • Pim: A page dedicated to selecting pairs, with lots of useful market data we currently only gather for pairs actively trading.
  • Neointhesky: I am looking forward to the new version with HFT which Gun is cooking right now. Everything I saw so far looks amazing.


What’s the most urgent need that needs to be Fixed or revamped?


  • MajesticA solution for (Exchange) API issues during volatile markets.
  • Phijey: Nothing Really, the Team has been on top of every situation that I have experienced, and always comes with quick fixes.
  • Pim: I have no pending urgent fixes.
  • Neointhesky: I am not working much with the GUI. So far as I use it I am quite satisfied.


Are u using any special add-on?


  • MajesticYes, using Q-strat.
  • Phijey: Market Maker and AutoConfig.
  • Pim: AutoConfig and Market Maker.
  • Neointhesky: Market Maker with Q-strat.


What makes u decide to use an add-on for your Gunbot?


  • Majestic: Q-strat, ARS, Life board and Bungieee bring Gunbot futures to the next level!.
  • Phijey: To expand the already awesome work that Gunbot does.
  • Pim: I was always very hesitant about the quality and timing of my manual strategy changes, and kept dreaming about being more methodical about them. To automate that I built the AutoConfig module.
  • Neointhesky: Very interesting AC Add on leading to great wins and great losses And it is always fun especially today when DOGE is pumping 250% and you are on the short side, but still surviving.


Thanks for the interview, enroll in the next Crypto Gunbot Tournament and you can be the next champion!

Join the Ranks and participate in the next Crypto Gunbot Tournament Winners Interview, Share Your Experience!

As well check out the Interview with the Champion if you haven’t done so already!


That’s all folks and remember happy gunbottin’!


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