Celebrating 7 Years of Gunbot – Unleashing the Next-Gen Trading Experience

Celebrating 7 Years of Gunbot – Unleashing the Next-Gen Trading Experience

This Christmas, we’re thrilled to introduce Gunbot Next-Gen as we celebrate Gunbot’s 7th Anniversary. It’s more than just a new product – it’s a leap forward in the world of trading, perfectly tailored for the ever-changing cryptocurrency market.

Gunbot has always been a leader in trading technology, and Gunbot Next-Gen is our latest testament to this. We’ve designed it to meet the needs of today’s traders, combining advanced features with an incredibly user-friendly interface. It’s a platform that anyone can use, regardless of their trading experience.

One of the standout features of Gunbot Next-Gen is our new Gunbot UX how easy it is to get started. We’ve made sure that setting it up is super quick and for everyone, so you can dive right into trading without any headaches. The user experience is top-notch – our platform is intuitive, fast, and enjoyable to use. This makes trading not just more efficient, but also a lot more fun and enjoyable.

Without further ado let’s start!

Gunbot – Step by Step Wizard Registration Guide

  • 1st License Key Entry: Start by entering your license key to verify it.

  • 2nd License Type Selection: Choose between a subscription or lifetime plan.

  • 3rd API Key Registration: Register the first API key for trading. Remember, safeguard your secret key at all times. For API key creation, see creating API keys.

  • 4th Lifetime registration: If you have a lifetime license, link an ERC-20 wallet to receive Gunthy tokens. The easiest way to get a wallet is to use the generate option. You’ll get the wallet as a text file, keep this file safe, after just set your first exchange and the public api key – click Register license button.

  • 5th Status validation: You’ll know it’s done when you see the following message.

Congrats your Gunbot it’s ready to rock the markets!.

& that’s not all we did add gridbots for the grid lovers.

How to configure Gridbots with our new amazing installation wizard 

  • First continue your installation after registration selecting Spot.

  • Then select your registered exchange & click next.

  • Click ADD PAIR button – Select a base and a pair – click ADD.

  • In the next screen select the base & the coin/token you would like to trade.

  • Begin by selecting your Strategy from the options provided at the bottom. Following this, you’ll be able to adjust your balances. If you decide to enable Rebalance, Gunbot will do the rebalance each time it runs out of base amounting to five times the investment you’ve set for each order. Without Rebalance, Gunbot operates using only the available quote balance. For order placement, you can determine steps as a percentage spread between orders, or allow for dynamic adjustment based on the Average True Range (ATR), which also automatically sets the grid size, After fine-tuning these configurations to your preference, click on the “Use these settings” button to apply them.

  • In the images below you can see gridbots in action

  • New Trading settings

  • Dashboard Next Gen

& that’s not all there’s more keep reading.

Multi Slots Exchange 

In response to frequent requests from our Gunbot community, we’re pleased to introduce the Multi Slots Exchange feature. This new addition allows for the use of multiple APIs on the same exchange for only $99 for lifetime License and $19 for subs, you have the opportunity to check the performance of the same coin with different strategies or to share Gunbot with others, including your girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, fiancé(e), and even your pets like dogs or cats. This offer also extends to any extraterrestrial friends you might have.

Take a look at this quick video below to learn how to use the Multi Slots Exchange feature.


We’re also proud to offer Gunbot Next-Gen at an accessible price. Advanced trading shouldn’t be just for the few, and our pricing reflects our commitment to bringing high-quality trading to everyone.

Below, you’ll find the price list for lifetime licenses.

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Gunbot Subscriptions

We recently rolled out subscriptions, following their introduction on Black Friday promo. They’ve been well received by our users. These subscriptions are designed for those who prefer monthly payments, as well as for users who wish to experiment with a specific strategy over a fixed period, be it a month or longer, especially if it’s not included in their current plan.

If you’re already using Gunbot, there’s a new opportunity for you. For one month, you can explore the QuantaG strategy. This trial period also grants you access to the simulator and encompasses all the features of Gunbot Ultimate, including Defi trading on the dYdX exchange.

For your convenience, the details of our monthly subscription rates are provided below.

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Big Thanks to our community

Gunbot is more than just software, it’s a vibrant community. Here, traders gather to exchange ideas, share strategies, and learn from one another. This community spirit plays a crucial role in the world of trading, where collaboration and connection can significantly impact success. A big thank you to everyone actively participating every day, supporting each other, driving progress, and continuously enhancing Gunbot. None of this would have been possible without you.

Wishing a Merry Christmas & happy new year to all Gunbot users worldwide!

As we launch Gunbot Next-Gen this holiday season, we’re inviting you to join a trading revolution. It’s not just about having a platform; it’s about being part of something bigger, a movement that’s reshaping the future of trading with innovation, community, and advanced technology.

What are you waiting for? Choose an official reseller for your new Gunthy license this festive season, and enjoy emotionless trading with one of the most advanced bots in the market and with an unrivaled GUI and UX, available today.

If you’re already part of our customer family, we haven’t forgotten about you. Upgrades are part of our special Christmas promotion.

Happy bot tradin’ and happy holidays to everyone!


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