Gunbot News – What Have We Been Up? Week #26

Gunbot News – What happened behind the scenes This Week?

Hi all folks, another week at Gunbot Community we have been busy improving user experience, fine-tuning our state of the art money machine and listening to our user base for some addons. Anyhow it seems like Bitcoin is in a range between 9050 and 9350 and looks ready to move! If that happens, ALTS could be impacted heavily so pay attention. Review your running strategies and risk management parameters and adapt to any turbulence in the market and remember, your bot has the weapons for that war, so be ready.


bitRage News

  • – Implement Search and Sort in bitRage GUI dialog forms.
  • – New option for autoconfig giving users the ability to change any exchange section parameter dynamically.
  • – New UX toggles anchors and links in bitRage to make your life easier.
  • – bitRage performance boost when running multiple exchanges.

Market Makers  News

  • – Nailed cancel / post orders behavior for Market Maker bots improving performance of the API backend requests.

Gunbot News

  • – New Side-pane in chart view to directly edit your running strategy.

Gunbot News

  • – Refactor of Profit and Loss tracking page to take into consideration Realized PNL and Unrealized PNL.

So that’s it for this week. See you next week & happy Gunbottin’ weekend!


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