Gunbot Tournament Spot winners July 2021
Gunbot Tournament Spot winners July
We interviewed the champions of the spot tournament. Let’s see what they can tell us to improve as crypto traders.
Why did you choose Gunbot as your bot for trading crypto?.
CYRUS_THE_VIRUS: The many options available.
CANISPOT_1: I did like the idea that’s a permanent license and upgrades included.
CANTEBOI_01: I chose gunbot for the following reasons:
- subscription-freedom bot trading
- regular releases and fixes
- community support-
- trading strategies
- tournaments
NIKSLOTER: It was the first bot that I stumbled upon. I lost some money on some websites offering to rent a bot service to you and decided to try it myself.
LEVIATHAN: It came down to the lifetime license, active dev team, and the amazing community behind Gunbot.
THEBOTLIFE: I purchased Gunbot back in 2017. While researching crypto mining I stumbled across a youtube about a few different bots out there. I started dabbling in custom script bots but they were very limited. When I stumbled on Gunbot, I was sold immediately. Gunthy had great goals for the future and a community behind the product. All my friends thought I was crazy spending that kind of money for something that would control my money. Well, they still think I am crazy but who’s laughing now!
Natasha toomikos: Gunbot was one of the few bots available back in the day (2018).
PONCHO: A colleague of mine told me he had bought a trading bot (Gunbot of course). At first, I laughed at him, I told him he was going to get ripped off, but after some research of my own, I was sold.
What’s the best feature for you of Gunbot bot?.
CYRUS_THE_VIRUS: Autoconfig.
CANISPOT_1: For me, the fact that it works 24 hours a day, and the variety of add-ons that can be used depending on the state of the Market.
CANTEBOI_01: Be able to use a strategy that suits me regardless off bear/bull markets.
NIKSLOTER: Flexibility that custom strategy offers, so many indicators and data prepared to use.
LEVIATHAN: Automation.
THEBOTLIFE: The vast amount of customizability if you can dream it, it can come alive!.
Natasha toomikos: The stability which I can rely on. Back in the days (like I said above,
been around here since 2018), there were a lot of issues with crashes, license server issues causing downtime, etc. But with Gun’s (and Pim’s) hard work Gunbot has become an amazing piece of software I can rely on 24/7.
PONCHO: Must be the 24/7 support (staff and members).
What wallet size you started in the tournament?.
CANISPOT_1: My balance was over € 2000, as the rest of the balance was occupied in bags prior to the start of the tournament.
CANTEBOI_01: I think I started with around 1,500 – 1800 USD.
THEBOTLIFE: My starting balance was $1750 and ended the tournament with $1960.
Natasha toomikos: 20,000 USD.
PONCHO: 1000-2000 USDT.
What strategy did you use?
CANISPOT_1: I used a mix of stepgain-gain, supplemented with DOLLAR COST AVG and trailme_buy and trailme_sell.
CANTEBOI_01: Broxynet, last month started with somewhat bearish and so I used broxynet strategy and its keeps on doing DCA but then, later on, all accumulated DCAs turned into profit.
LEVIATHAN: This was my first time participating in the Gunthy tournament. The new Stepgrid strategy was giving me good results and so I gave it a shot.
THEBOTLIFE: Spot tournament I decided to test out StepGrid as it had just come out.
Natasha toomikos: 7 pairs, and a custom strat based on Spotgrid and Broxynet,
yet with smarter entries, Pim’s Dynamic Trailing, and a lot of room to accumulate
The more the price drops, the bigger gains it generates while keeping a close eye
to the negative ROE%.
PONCHO: StepGrid. depending on the market. When the market was downwards, I gave it a bit extra balance, when the market was up i transferred some back to futures.
What’s the feature you would like to be added to Gunbot?
CYRUS_THE_VIRUS: Gunbot High-Frequency Trading.
CANISPOT_1: I do not know if it is included, because I know the necessary supplements that make me increase my balance, and in that sense, I tend to be conservative.
But I would like that in the DOLLAR COST AVG add-on, different percentages could be set automatically for each purchase in DU CAP and DU BUYDOWN for the first, second, third, and successive purchases.
CANTEBOI_01: Built-in backtesting feature.
NIKSLOTER: The feature that is already a work in progress: web sockets. It would hopefully reduce a pair cycle time!.
LEVIATHAN: Auto attempt to start/restart bot core if it goes down for an exchange timeout or License/Api related error.
THEBOTLIFE: I would like to see an overall wallet balance be added to the GUI so I don’t have to log into the exchanges as frequently to see what my estimated wallet balance is including all bags. I keep a spreadsheet to track this and would like to skip the daily Exchange login where possible.
Natasha toomikos: A stable HFT release to deal with slippage.
PONCHO: Nothing comes to mind as I’m still figuring out everything.
What’s the most urgent need that needs to be Fixed or revamped?
CYRUS_THE_VIRUS: P&L Telegram calculations.
CANISPOT_1: Right now, I would not know what to say, because for me it contains the necessary tools.
CANTEBOI_01: I am happy actually with what it has.
NIKSLOTER: The license server issue (it loses the license from time to time), PNL page since it gives incorrect calculation.
LEVIATHAN: Revamp: Need more ARM builds; especially if it’s an important patch of the previous stable release. (I was dealing with bot not cycling futures market pairs from v23 Github release and had to delete JSON folder every now and then until v23.0.4) I know compiling ARM binaries is a tedious process and I’m sure Gunthar tries his best.
THEBOTLIFE: Everything seems to be running smoothly up to this reléase. Great job everyone!.
Natasha toomikos: The PNL calculations on Telegram Alerts are giving higher values than they should.
PONCHO: I don’t trust the PNL on TG with stepgrid. But I got confidence in Gunbot and its strategies, I know when you get your shizz right, no losses happen in the spot.
Are you using any special add-on?
CANISPOT_1: No, In spot trading, the included strategies adapted to each of the pairs, adjusting DCA differently to each pair, according to the experience and knowledge I have of the aforementioned pair.
CANTEBOI_01: Yes, the tradingview add-on with the backtesting, really helped a lot.
Natasha toomikos: Nope, just plain Gunbot, and Autoconfig.
PONCHO: ARS and zyb0t. Haven’t used zyb0t for this spot tournament.
What makes you decide to use an add-on for your Gunbot?
CANISPOT_1: Add-ons for Gunbot help to adapt more to the reality of the market, and automate operations even more.
CANTEBOI_01: To secure more profit.
NIKSLOTER: I’m not using any.
Natasha toomikos: I’ve used ARS for MarketMaker, otherwise MM is way too complex
with a lack of a proper wiki/documentation.
PONCHO: Zyb0t because Zy0nbear and Semyo Alex are awesome and MM was a bit hard for me to reach the sweet spot in a downwards market. ARS cuz you got to spend money to make money.
Thanks for the interview folks, you rock!.
Remember to check out the Latest Gunbot stable release and Get your Bot now if you haven’t already!